North Carolina Governor's Crime Commission
How is your agency structured?
The Governor’s Crime Commission is a division under the umbrella of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Please list the federal and state grants your agency administers.
Byrne Justice Assistance Grants
State Crisis Intervention Program
Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Victims of Crime Act
Violence Against Women
Sexual Assault Services Formula
Children's Justice Act
Juvenile Justice (Title II)
State Justice Statistics
Justice Counts Implementation Program
Paul Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement
Project Safe Neighborhood (Eastern, Middle and Western Districts)
Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program
John R. Justice
What are your top three current priorities or focus areas?
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the citizens of the state, to enhance public safety and to reduce and prevent crime by improving the criminal justice system. We do this through data analysis, research and development of criminal justice issues and grants.
Our main grant priorities tend to focus on:
Supporting Local and State Enforcement
Supporting Victim’s Rights and Victim’s Services
Supporting Juvenile Programs that address At-Risk Youths
What is the main thing you would like other NCJA members to know about your agency?
The Governor's Crime Commission (GCC) is the chief advisory body to the Governor and the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety on crime and justice issues. GCC administers federal and state grants and is the State Administering Agency (SAA) for many federal block and formula grant programs. Within GCC is the Criminal Justice Analysis Center which researches criminal justice policy and trends in North Carolina. The Criminal Justice Analysis Center recently established the North Carolina Justice Data Portal an analytics dashboard for criminal justice data online. Since its inception in 1967, GCC has worked on emerging issues of the time such as speed limits, school resource officers, school violence, law enforcement connectivity, gangs, mass violence, raising the juvenile age, racial equity in traffic stops and modernization of victim reporting.