Montana Board of Crime Control
Please describe how your agency is structured.Â
The Montana Board of Crime Control (MBCC) was created in 1968 as a planning and research agency under the authority of 2-15-2006, MCA whose goal was, and still is, to promote public safety. The MBCC is an 18-member quasi-judicial board appointed by the Governor. The board is composed of state, local and tribal criminal justice partners, including representatives from courts, corrections, law enforcement and victim services. MBCC provides financial support, technical assistance and supportive services to state and local criminal justice agencies. The board provides funding to local, regional, and statewide projects with the central goal of making Montana a safer state.
The mission of Montana Board of Crime Control is to proactively contribute to public safety, crime prevention and victim assistance through planning, policy development and coordination of the justice system in partnership with citizens, government, and communities.
Please list the federal and state grants your agency administers.
Federal Grants:
·   Byrne Justice Assistance Program (Byrne JAG)
·   Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (Byrne SCIP) Grants
·   Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP) Grant
·   Delinquency Prevention Program (DPP)
·   Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA)
·   Response - High Risk Teams (HRT) Grant
·   John R. Justice (JRJ) Grant Program
·   National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
·   Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program
·   Project Safe Neighborhood (PSN) Grant
·   Sex Offender Registration Notification Act (SORNA) Grant
·   Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) Grant
·   STOP Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Grant
·   State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers (SAC)
·   State Victim Liaison Project (SVLP)
·   Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program
·   Title II Juvenile Justice Formula Grants
·   Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Compensation Grant
State Grants:
·   Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training Program
·   Domestic Violence Intervention (DVI) Program
·   Regional Juvenile Detention Grant
Please list your top three current priority or focus areas.
1.  State Support for Victim Services
In 2021, MBCC requested a study bill to assess the need for state support of victim services programs in Montana. The number one gap identified at roundtables and one-on-one conversations with stakeholders was a lack of state funding devoted to victim services. Through collaboration with stakeholders, MBCC educated the legislators on gaps and barriers to accessing victim services and the critical services provided to victims throughout the state. As a result, $2 million per year was dedicated for the next biennium to supporting victim services providers, ensuring these crucial services remain available.
2.  Implementation of Criminal Justice Data Warehouse
MBCC’s Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is collaborating with State IT, record management vendors, law enforcement, and the Criminal Justice Oversight Council to implement the Criminal Justice Data Warehouse as outlined in the 2023 legislative session. The Integrated Justice System data project is the implementation of a comprehensive and cohesive criminal justice system to aid legislative, state and local efforts in resource allocation and policy changes, aiming to enhance outcomes for both offenders and crime victims. Critical to this project is state support for local partners while advocating for improved data collection, sharing, and integration to transform the current reactive nature of the system. The project emphasizes efficiency gains through streamlined data processes, for cost savings that can benefit both state and local stakeholders. Such enhancements can inform decisions related to funding, policy, workload, staffing, and their impacts on prison populations and recidivism, ultimately contributing to public safety.
3.  Support jail alternatives through early interventions, chemical dependency treatment services, jail diversion programs, and restorative justice initiatives
One of MBCC’s strategic goals is to provide training and education for, and support ongoing creation and expansion of, early interventions, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services, jail diversion programs, and restorative practices. Approximately 300 youth participate in early intervention programs funded by MBCC every year. MBCC provides Restorative Practices training at the Montana Crime Prevention Conference annually. In 2023, individuals interested in providing free or low-cost training were instructed to become Restorative Practices trainers. The Youth Justice Council (YJC), MBCC’s Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group (SAG), advises the board and guides efforts to improve the juvenile justice system by supporting research-based programs with positive outcomes. The YJC participates in the development and review of the State’s juvenile justice plan, reviews and comments on all juvenile justice and delinquency prevention grant applications submitted to MBCC and seeks regular input from juveniles currently under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system and state, local, and private agencies on juvenile justice issues to better coordinate services and efficiently utilize available resources.
What is the main thing you would like other NCJA members to know about your agency?Â
The Montana Board of Crime Control plays a vital role in our state, uniting stakeholders from various facets of the criminal justice system to engage in collaborative and crucial dialogues. Serving as a trusted intermediary, MBCC facilitates essential discussions, enabling seamless coordination across the system. Comprising an 18-member Board, a 16-member SAG, and a 20-member team, these dedicated individuals are deeply committed to serving the people of Montana.
·   Crime and Funding Dashboards – The data team provides reports aimed at pinpointing gaps in community safety, enhancing visibility to mitigate crime, enhancing services for crime victims, and bolstering support for the continuous improvement of the Montana criminal justice system.
·   The Do the Write Thing (DtWT) initiative in Montana, overseen by MBCC, engages middle school students statewide in crafting essays on the effects of youth violence and suggesting strategies to diminish its prevalence. By motivating students to make individual pledges to address the issue, DtWT aims to empower them to disrupt the cycles of violence within their homes, schools, and communities.
·   The State Victim Liaison Project has worked to collaborate with subgrantees, victim service providers, and victims to identify and address gaps in victim services throughout Montana. This project finished a statewide Needs Assessment, is publishing a map of victim services for Montana, and forming strong working relationships with and between victim service providers to implement a Montana Victim Services Network.