Michigan State Police Grants and Community Services Division
Please describe how your agency is structuredÂ
The Michigan State Administering Agency (SAA) is housed within the Michigan State Police (MSP). The MSP Grants and Community Services Division serves as the central coordinating point for SAA activities.
Please list the federal and state grants your agency administers.
The GCSD writes and administers both formula and competitive grants for the state of Michigan and the MSP. Federal formula grants include:
Byrne JAG Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG)
Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (Byrne SCIP)
Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance (EFLEA)
Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants (Coverdell)
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) - Western District of MI
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (RSAT)
Michigan Auto Theft Prevention Authority grants
Michigan School Resource Officer Grant Program
Other federal support and competitive grants/funding administered by GCSD include:
Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program (BWC)
Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding (Earmark)
Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program (CRIT)
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP)
COPS Anti-Heroin Task Force
COPS Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act Implementation Projects
DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction
Intellectual Property Enforcement Program
Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC)
National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
Opioid Affected Youth Initiative
Prosecuting Cold Cases Using DNA
Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI)
STOP School Violence (x2 - Mental Health Training Program and State School Safety Center)
Support for the Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program (SMART)
Virtual Reality De-escalation Site-Based Initiative (VRDI)
Also housed within the MSP are the Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) and the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (EMHSD). These divisions both administer state and federal funding relative to their missions.
Please list your top three current priority or focus areas.
The updated state of Michigan Byrne JAG strategic plan is currently in development, so focus areas will be determined upon its completion. For the past several years, community engagement, youth programming, and law enforcement victim advocates/social workers have been a priority. Gun violence prevention and school safety issues also continue to be on the priority list for Michigan.Â
What is the main thing you would like other NCJA members to know about your agency?Â
The GCSD has increased the number of grants it administers each year and is regularly called upon to assist local and state agencies with grant applications, grant administration and grant writing. In addition to Grants Management, the GCSD also houses the MSP Prevention Services Section, which houses 18 Community Service Troopers as well as the MSP Angel Program and the Automobile Theft Prevention Authority. GCSD also houses the Michigan Office of School Safety including the public face of OK2SAY, the statewide confidential reporting system for students.