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NCJA Center for Justice Planning


Welcome to the homepage for NCJA the Center for Justice Planning (NCJP)! From here you can learn who we are, what we do, and how to request our services.  


The NCJP team consists of experienced planners with backgrounds in local justice systems, data management and analysis, training, law enforcement programs, pretrial justice, behavioral health and substance use disorders and more. We are committed, individually and as a team, to helping justice systems find safe, fair and efficient solutions to their challenges. See the NCJA staff page for more information on our team. 

With support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the NCJP provides training and technical assistance (TTA) to state administering agencies (SAAs) managing the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) program and the Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (Byrne SCIP). The NCJP also provides TTA to local Criminal Justice Planning Boards (CJPBs) and Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (CJCCs). The NCJP’s TTA program provides a wide variety of resources and guidance to help SAAs ensure Byrne JAG and Byrne SCIP funding is administered effectively, from planning to reporting outcomes.​



Our TTA Values​​

Responsive to existing and emerging issues

Informed by evidence-informed practices and trends from the field

Flexible and adaptable to recipient needs

Versatile assistance, including on-site and virtual

What We Do


  • Direct Strategic Planning Support

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Data Support

  • Dissemination of Resources and Best and Promising Practices

  • Trainings and Collaborative Opportunities

What We Do


Toolkits, guidebooks, multimedia content (publications, podcasts, webinars, videos)


Collaborative Opportunities

Training, direct guidance, planning sessions, on-site and virtual support


Strategic Planning

Peer-to-peer learning, regional calls, national conferences

What Can Our Support Look Like?


  • ​Creation and analysis of stakeholder needs assessment surveys

  • Facilitation of public safety planning board meetings, including presentations and structured planning/brainstorming sessions with state leadership and/or SAA staff

  • Assistance in engaging specific types of stakeholders such as rural or community-based partners

  • Programmatic research and evaluation support

  • Process improvement and engagement support for CJCCs and public safety planning boards

  • Custom data dashboard creation

  • Connections to subject matter experts and peers

  • Foundational strategic planning workshops and advanced trainings on managing effective public safety planning boards, Sequential intercept Model (SIM) mapping, and more!​


​For more information on our TTA we provide, or to request our support, please email

Want to learn more about what we do?

Quick Links

Explore our series toolkit of informational resources  and training materials to make creating a strategic plan easier and aligned to each state’s needs. on strategic planning, including information about the Byrne JAG strategic planning requirement and other basics, as well as next steps, all catered to the needs of State Administering Agencies.

Browse upcoming Byrne JAG strategic planning events, trainings and other opportunities or check out our course catalogue.

The engagement of local systems and partners in justice planning is crucial to ensuring that policies are enacted properly and funding is directed to critical priority areas. Here, you’ll find materials discussing the importance of local justice stakeholders and guidance on how to do it. 

This toolkit helps SAAs communicate their nuanced role and who they serve to key stakeholders, legislators and other partners. Browse the templates and guidance and start creating your own stock language, one-pagers and templates today!

We strive to help SAAs and other justice stakeholders stay up to date on trends and promising practices in criminal justice practice and policy. Visit our library of promising practices and criminal justice trends.  

View the Centering Planning: Essential News & Resources for SAAs monthly newsletter archive to stay informed about new resources, promising practices and programs, upcoming events and other pertinent information designed specifically for State Administering Agencies (SAAs) and their Byrne JAG and Byrne SCIP staff.

The content on this webpage was created with the support of Grant Nos. 2019-YA-BX-K002, 15PBJA-22-GK-04999-BSCI, and 15PBJA-22-GK-01566-JAGJ awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a program office within the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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