Grants Management Training for State and Local Agencies
ICJI staff attended the NCJA grants management training workshop in 2018.
The National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) offers training and technical assistance (TTA) for state and local agencies responsible for managing and administering federal funding. This TTA covers all areas of grants management and administration, including pre- and post-award processes, principals and functions.
Custom Training to Meet Your Needs
Training can be tailored to each jurisdiction’s
needs and delivered in the form of workshops,
one-on-one meetings, or web-based assistance.
Topics can include:
Application development
Program establishment
Monitoring and auditing
Progress Reporting
Budget development and review
Financial management and reporting
Closeout and corrective action plans
Staff responsibilities
Training and professional development
See the agenda from a recent
workshop for the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute.
Participant Testimonials
See what participants had to say about our trainings:
"Thank you to [State Agency Administrators] that shared their processes... I have enjoyed this grants management training so much, thank you! I always feel like I am in the room with such educated and experienced folks and love learning from everyone that presents." - Grants Management Training Day, July 2018
"As a new grant manager, this was awesome and very beneficial!" - Grant Writing 101, July 2018
"Great suggestions and simple management of the narrative writing techniques. Very helpful getting a whole outside perspective on how to approach grants." - Grant Writing 101, July 2018
"I now understand why the grants I am responsible for are put together the way they are. I have a better understanding of what other divisions and people here are responsible for. Thank you for being in Indiana and working to help me do my job." - ICJIA Staff Training, October 2018
Contact Us to Get Started
To discuss training options and pricing, please Tammy Woodhams, NCJA Director, Programs and Grants Training, at (202) 448-1711 or Note: since all workshops and directed assistance are tailored to the jurisdiction’s needs, the length of time needed to plan the event will vary as determined by the requesting agency and the NCJA staff member providing the training.