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NCJA Events

NCJA hosts a number of meetings and events for both members and nonmembers. 


The Forum on Criminal Justice

The annual Forum on Criminal Justice showcases programs, research and policies that help justice practitioners and decision-makers in states, local communities and tribal nations address pressing public safety issues. 
Registration is open to members and non-members, visit the conference website to learn more. 


NCJA Virtual Public Policy Summit


NCJA Virtual Public Policy Summit, takes place each spring and provides an opportunity for NCJA members to engage in the national conversation about how to bring change to the justice system and work across systems to improve outcomes for justice-involved individuals. 
The Summit will bring together panelists from across the criminal justice system and the political spectrum who will discuss their views and how they work together to shape criminal justice policy. In addition, speakers from Capitol Hill and the Administration will discuss the policy implications of this work. 
The agenda includes panel discussions that highlight priority issues, address areas of common concern and share ideas that are working in jurisdictions throughout the country.


Topical Policy Sessions

NCJA's Topical Policy Sessions focus on criminal justice policy topics that are part of the national conversation. These members-only virtual sessions will take place throughout the year and provide members with opportunities to engage experts and ask questions about how the conversation around that policy is unfolding. Topics will cover best practices and research, managing federal programs, and emerging policies and trends. 


Quarterly Government Affairs Calls

These members-only discussions hosted by Director of Government Affairs Elizabeth Pyke highlight the status of legislation and appropriations issues and the policy conversations happening on the Hill, in the Administration and within the stakeholder community. There will also be an opportunity for NCJA members to ask questions and provide input. In addition, as appropriate, speakers from the Department of Justice, Congress or other federal agencies may be invited to discuss their priorities or new initiatives.



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