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Electronic Grants Management


A growing number of SAAs are following the lead of the federal government and requiring prospective and current grantees to use an electronic “e-grants” management system, while other states are broadening the use of these types of systems to include more than the traditional grant management functions. For example, states like Pennsylvania and Texas announce funding opportunities and accept applications and program and fiscal reports online. The grant management systems are then used to register, submit and certify, then manage grants.  Pennsylvania’s system also includes an online tutorial for prospective applicants. Texas' system includes guidance on “Minimum Technology Required for Managing Grants” (i.e., compatible software, Internet browsers, and hardware) in its Guide to Grants. Minnesota, another state that has embraced e-grants management, includes a component that guides grantees through a step-by-step process of completing and submitting required reports on its Department of Public Safety website.


Other states have automated one or more parts of the system. For example, the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety has made grant applications available online, and the state plans to expand the system to include online grant reporting. Grantee forms are available on the New York's Division of Criminal Justice Services website while states like Nebraska have made a portion of the grant application available for grantees to download or complete online.


Finally states such as Illinois have created data collection and reporting systems for recipients of VOCA and VAWA funds. These systems are also used by other state agencies that fund the same services to increase efficiency, reduce reporting burdens on grantees, and facilitate program planning and evaluation. Oregon will be using its grants management system to track asset forfeiture

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