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White House Holds Summit On Hate Violence After QAnon Murder

The White House held a summit to address hate-motivated violence and to promote new efforts to keep Americans safe from domestic extremism. Four days earlier, a man reportedly obsessed with QAnon shot his wife and daughter, killing his wife and leaving his daughter hospitalized, in the latest antisemitic conspiracy-connected murder, reports USA Today. Vice President Kamala Harris hosted the summit to address and counter "the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety."

New initiatives include funding for educational institutions to counter hate-based threats, as well as the creation of a new website to find resources on violence prevention. In an effort by the Anti Defamation League, almost 150 mayors renewed a 2017 pledge to combat hate, extremism and bigotry in their cities. Before the summit, 50 civil rights and civil liberties groups sent a letter to President Biden that raised concerns about the federal government's "Countering Violent Extremism" program. The letter says the program, also known as "CP3" has flaws and only furthers white supremacy.


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