Twelve disappearances are under investigation by a task force that has focused on the alleged leader of a violent white supremacist prison gang, reports The Oklahoman. The records portray a chilling litany of violence in the rural outskirts of Oklahoma City that has largely been kept out of the spotlight even as the number of people missing and confirmed dead has grown. A timeline created for the investigation shows the disappearances started in 2019 and continued into 2022. Many may be connected to the prison gang's drug operations. At least twice, disappearances occurred after drugs were seized during traffic stops. Ten of the missing have been linked to either the alleged gang leader or a compound in Logan County. The other two have not been confirmed as connected.
All the missing had criminal histories. authorities believe bodies were burned. Bone fragments were recovered last year at the Logan County site, as well as at an oil field lease road near Luther, Ok. Bone fragments also were recovered at a third site, half a mile from the compound. And the skull of one of the missing was found last year in a cow pasture. Lodged inside the skull was a bullet. So far, only one disappearance has resulted in criminal charges. Jason Dean Cornett, 45, is accused of a fatal shooting, even though no body has been found. His wife and a nephew are accused of being accessories. The investigation is surrounded by extraordinary secrecy. Authorities have disclosed to the public the name of only one of the missing, the alleged victim in the murder case. A federal search warrant for the Logan County property remains under seal.