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D.C. Public Safety Director Quits After Assault Charge

Crime and Justice News

Chris Geldart resigned as Washington, D.C.’s deputy mayor for public safety and justice after a personal trainer alleged that the official assaulted him and questions emerged over whether Geldart violated the requirement that cabinet members reside within city limits reports the Washington Post. Mayor Muriel Boswer said, "all of the questions being raised are distracting from his job and my job.” Geldart has been on leave since early last week, when police say the trainer swore out a criminal complaint alleging that Geldart had grabbed him by the neck in a parking lot of a gym in Arlington, Va., on Oct. 1.

Bowser’s office initially downplayed the assault allegation, saying in a statement that “it sounds like something that happens to a lot of people.” Video shows personal trainer Dustin Woodward and Geldart pointing aggressively at each other before Geldart approaches Woodward and the two go chest to chest. Woodward alleges the deputy mayor grabbed him by the throat. The altercation started when Geldart’s car door hit the car that Woodward was getting into in the parking lot. Geldart came under scrutiny over his residency. An Arlington County police statement said Geldart lived in Falls Church, Va., prompting concern among community leaders that the deputy mayor was violating D.C. law. High-level appointees to the executive branch must be city residents within 180 days of appointment.

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