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After a Week On Job, San Francisco DA Brooke Jenkins Fires 15 People

Brooke Jenkins, who was sworn in as San Francisco’s interim district attorney last week after Chesa Boudin was ousted in a recall election, has fired 15 people, The Intercept reports. Most of them were hired by Boudin. Last year, many people, including Jenkins, were calling to remove Boudin from power. Some progressives criticized the movement, which was spearheaded by conservative millionaires and billionaires. However, Jenkins stood out as a progressive woman of color. She criticized Boudin for being too easy on criminals, failing victims, and mismanaging the DA’s office.

Previously, the San Francisco Police Officers Association described Jenkins as qualified, competent and compassionate. However, other police officers are not happy with Jenkins’s appointment. Critics believe Jenkins was appointed because of her loyalty to San Francisco Mayor London Breed. One part of Breed’s agenda is a return to policies reminiscent of the 1990’s war on drugs. Jenkins previously said that she would take a tougher approach to prosecute drug charges. She also hopes to hold those who sell fentanyl accountable.


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